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Milkshake Duck - Notch (creator of Minecraft) is a prime Milkshake Duck example

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Freakenstein Moderator

"Notch is a clear example of a Milkshake Duck. Loved for creating Minecraft, it turns out he is a serious misogynist."

You don't know Notch at all then! The comments Notch posts on Twitter can be surmised as direct confrontations against inflammatory behavior of "Regressives", who love to attribute all problems to one ethnic group and even declare death to said ethnic group. I can guarantee you in all of Notch's Twitter history, not one declares or implies Notch believes he and his gender is superior to women.

>Heterosexual Pride
>Completely unrelated topics

I upvoted this post to help bring this blatant lie into the public. Does Notch use crude, blunt language when debating? Yes, and by all rights he can.

Freakenstein Moderator

in reply to Freakenstein

@fightinfilipino If you and your alt are going to downvote me, the least you can do is explain why you feel my post needs to be downvoted, as if somehow my post is completely untrue. Despite what you've been led to believe, Notch does not actually hate women.


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