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Monster Kid
Monster Kid

People are just as annoyed with them in comic this as in the show, which is good, yet people here are talking about double standards. and to be honest… yeah there's a bit of one. BUT! you know what the REAL difference is? There's pretty much no goddamn examples of this kind of reversed gender "role" in anime, even if a shit ton of eastern media has that "Perverted guy who has nothing else going for them." trope. It's 95% of the time a man, I'm only including the 5% for the sake of things I've never heard of. That's why it's appealing. Not just because she's a girl, but because it's not cliched yet and… okay some of it is wish fulfillment but that's probably either subconscious or just a minority. EITHER WAY! That's why it's appealing, because we're not fucking sick and tired of seeing it all the goddamn time.

And I know, if they're focusing on male bodies it's going to be alienating to some people, but honestly fuck them. Sexuality is being examined and experimented a lot more publicly these days, compromise and make bisexual fanservice. Sexualize the male AND female characters, within the same scene if need be! Or I mean, that's what… I think would be nice.


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