An unfortunate meetup | ATF / Fedposting | Know Your Meme
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1370 Views Created 6 years ago By Swoot • Updated about a year ago

Created By Swoot • Updated about a year ago

Anonymous 11/05/13(Tue)17:54 No. 18616607 Replies: 218616666 2218616775 File: 1383692087614 jpg-(17 KB, 250x242, 434667675.jpg) >be father in the mid 1990s work for state police bet assigned to go undercover in a branch of some regional militia about a dozen full members fool around innawoods for a few months finally hear some guy cooking up a plan to bomb a judge >half the militia is onboard with it >dad is a bit shocked, as most of them seemed normal enough sa couple guys leave the group splot keeps advancing state police decide they have enough evidence for a case >plan to arrest everyone at the meeting after next >dad is at the meeting one week before the scheduled raid >suddenly, doors get kicked in >everybody gets arrested >State Police confused as f--- >dad later finds out that the guy who started the plot was ATF sclub president was FBI >two sheriffs deputies in the rank-and-file >US Marshals involved somehow >whole militia branch was founded as an FBI honeypot Dad's face when the whole thing gets buried out of embarrassment.
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ATF / Fedposting


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