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Virgin Indie Pixelshit "Artist":
- "Game Design" degree
- No basic in arts, programming, writing, or music whatsoever
- Have to beg and pay the game journalists for coverage
- Cannot do anything but pixel art because no art skills at all
- Tries to make his game "deep" confusing with no coherency as "art" to cover that fact that his game sucks
- His game won "awards" from dubious sources which the only contestant is him
- Force politics into his game
- Buggy as hell, have to release patch after patch until he gives up and left it buggy.
- Lousy appearance, cannot groom himself for shit, blames it on being "artisty"

The Chad Virtuoso:
- Extensive background in fine arts, classical arts, classical music, Shakespearean expertise in writing, and programming
- Handcrafts his games from scratch, never uses programs that generates asset
- Custom made engine for each individual games
- Top-tier production quality that make AAA devs hang their heads in shame
- Literally zero bugs from pre-alpha to release
- Game journalists fear and revere him, have to beg him for review copies and previews.
- No politics or agenda, he only does it for the sake of art
- Universally revered games, immortalised in Museum of Art and Technolgy and have own section
- Kept a respectable appearance, being an artist does not mean an excuse for being a shoddy human being


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