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Triplem Moderator

- Holy crap, Rick, why did you turn us into horses? And why do I have a tattoo of a tool on my ass? W-what's going on here?
- Don't worry Morty, everything's fine, quiet, we're in an universe where friendship is magic, and it creates poooowerful magic.
- Waoh, really?
- BWAAHAHAHA! No, but can you imagine if it did? For real, these creatures have a telekinetic gland that is stimulated by social interactions, and cuddles, and shit like that. Soooo BOARP what we gonna do here, we're gonna blend into the mass, kidnap about a dozen of the background horses no one cares about, steal their glands, get back into my garage, and see if I can use those for my car battery. Hopefully they'll work better that those stupid emeralds.


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