me and my autistic brother were playing in the park where out of nowhere Milly came and spit on my brothers face and said “get f----- retard” I’ve never been so ashamed #TakeDownMillieBobbyBrown
Uploaded by Matt Jun 12, 2018 at 02:46PM EDT
@stelldelrey millie bobby brown
Origin Entry: Millie Bobby Brown Is Homophobic / #TakeDownMillieBobbyBrown
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Last week at ToysRUs, I was playing with the new hijabi barbie when Millie walked towards me, took the doll and slapped me across the face with it. She proceeded to throw bacon at me screaming "go back to islam". Now, I'm diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety #
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Millie Bobby Brown Is Homophobic / #TakeDownMillieBobbyBrown - me and my autistic brother were playing in the park where out of nowhere Milly came and spit on my brothers face and said “get f----- retard” I’ve never been so ashamed #TakeDownMillieBobbyBrown
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