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Spiked-Wall Man
Spiked-Wall Man

in reply to Tentacles

Quotes from the sunken scrolls (collectables from the first game)

"The first battles of the Great War ended in victory for the Octarian forces. The diligent Octarians easily dominated the Inklings, who were unable to wake up early in the morning. The Inklings have long led a hedonistic style of life."

"Heralded by loud explosions, the 'Great Octoweapons' quickly stormed the Inklings' central stronghold. Victory for the Octarians seemed all but certain, but due to a plug being carelessly pulled from its socket, their hopes were dashed."

"Lady Luck had smiled down upon the Inklings, and this turned the tide. Historians today generally agree that the Inklings' victory over the Octarians in their final struggle was largely due to their superior number of limbs."


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