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Slaps Roof of Car - "MatPat: *slaps roof of 'The Game Theorists'* channel this bad boy can fit so much unfunny jokes, no...

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Since not many people seems to know about this, just gonna mention to everyone here that the creator of saladfingers, david firth, had to delete this tweet because he received backlash from matpat's fanbase.

And then his fans attacked david firth for daring to say that matpat wasn't right.


in reply to Green_Mario

You are absolutely correct about all of those points, and I actually know why he makes that mistake. The thing is, he is 100% convinced that if he does not keep up with trends, he will be swept away by YouTube's algorythm like many before him, and he lets that influence his work too much. And you know what the saddest part is..? That is he is pretty much right about it. Think about it: every and all popular content creators who go at their own pace can do so thanks to sponsors and several other secondary ways to keep a decent income. JonTron, AVGN, everyone at NormalBoots, every animator – they cann simply cannot live off their videos alone, and need to do brand deals, plugs, sell merch, outright do something else like James does, you name it.

MatPat also does all of those secondary things, but he also decided to try and make good revenue from videos alone, and he also livestreams on a gaming channel. Put plainly, despite his network having many people working on it, he has long spread himself too thin trying to cover all fronts, and his videos' quality suffers because of it, not even in regards to the jokes or the effort of the videos, but rather that they are lowkey being mass-produced and tailored to a mold that probably does not need to exist. Naturally, since most of his fans are too complacent and most of his haters do not understand how constructive criticism works, he never gets to know any of this, so here we are today.


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