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But, this isnt the same thing is it?

I mean Netflix is kind of an all-encompassing thing, right? So it making new shows, funding other projects, and whatever, all makes sense. Netflix doesnt do one type of show. You can find anime, cartoons, live action, whatever.

Crunchyroll was made so people could watch Anime right? So it seems like a normal reaction for people to go "Why are you funding non-anime related shows on this anime website?"

Ryumaru Borike
Ryumaru Borike

In what goddamn universe is it unreasonable to demand that the people you pay use your money the way you payed them to. People subscribe to Crunchyroll to stream anime, so they have every right to complain if you divert money that could be used for that goal in order to make a non-anime show. Netflix isn't a niche stream service like Crunchyroll, it can make anything it wants because it streams anything it wants.


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