"Explain this," but the chat refused to die. | Undertale | Know Your Meme
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1076 Views Created 5 years ago By Sans Undertale • Updated 5 years ago

Created By Sans Undertale • Updated 5 years ago

Anonymous 11/09/15 (Mon) 08:46:15 ID: ba96e1 No.6924174 File mido: 1447058776444-Qpng (108 ое кв. File hide): 370x420. 37:42, sea-cha-liquid laae.ena) 05877 (41.95 кв. e48x393. 210:131 Ralanond PA-DHA okAy, PUNk EXPLAIN THIS >6904580 (oP) Guys I need help. Like bad help. I cant stop obsessing over Undyne, I just had a moment of lucidity into what Im doing and I just realized how f------ Autistic I am. Im an Odor/Sweat fetishish, and the thought of her getting nasty while working out turns me so much my d--- starts hurting and I get light headed. ve taken up to using Fish Oil as lube to masturbate with but recently Ive taken to drenching a hide in it and licking it off as a masturbatory aid I just now realized that I'm probably going too far because I puked all over my kitchen while trying to shotgun the rest of the bottle during climax. And right after looking up for local places where I can buy a fresh adequately sized catfish to use as an onahole. I cant stop thinking of undyne and licking the sweat and oil off of her abs. I just cant get over her. Part of me wants to her sludge like body as she's melting from determination so she can be with me forever What do I do? This is getting out of hand. Help. Anonymous 1 1/23/15 (Mon) 23:54:29 D: 9e99d No 7132702 >>713270호 File (cid 1448315570429 ipg (17.98 KB, 475500, 19:20. 1447095041088 ipa) >>71327 10 2271327 13 >>7132721 227132742 I mean she's the -GOOD- kind of sweaty smelly though Fish Oil helps prevent cancer, I hope you know. Licking it straight off the source has to be even better. Yeah I was piss drunk when I posted that Thank god I didnt go through with the catfish thing. Thank god, I fry enough fish to at least cover up and have an excuse for the smell of my bachelor pad I still kinda do want to drink Undyne while she's melting so that we'd fuse and be together forever Anonymous 11/23/15 (Mon) 23:41:11 ID: 9e913d No.7132548 7132581 7132591 37132003 27132019 2713202-1 File (ride): 1448314871929 png 880.29 KB. 1200x1283, 1280:1283, 144709342230 Yeah I use it for cooking, as lube, a f--- of of s--- because I love the way it smells now Shotgunning straight was a bad idea though. Especially as a tracer for cheap vodka. I may have the autismus But at least I can say I'm DETERMINED
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  • The heroine who never gives up.

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