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I keep my ideals
I keep my ideals

I'm gonna make an announcement, Shadow the Hedgehog's a bitch-ass motherfucker, he pissed on my wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog fucking quill-y dick out and he pissed on my wife and he said it was t h i s b i g, and I said "that's disgusting." So I'm making a call out post on my Twitter dot com, Shadow the Hedgehog, you got a small dick, it's the size of this walnut except way smaller, and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like! explosion noises That's right, baby! Tall points, no quills, no pillows, just look at that it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the earth! That's right, this is what you get, my SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth, I'm gonna go higher. I'M PISSING ON THE MOON! That's right, Obama, I pissed on the moon, you idiot! You have twenty three hours before the piss d r o p l e t s hit the earth, so get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too.


(dr. Eggman) i have an announcement: nintendo is a bitch ass motherfucker they pissed on my fucking franchise. That's right they took there character filled games and pissed on my fucking franchise and they said there roster was "this big" and im just like "thats disgusting" so im making a callout on twitter @nintendo, you got a small roster, its the size of this walnut except way smaller, and guess what my roster looks like? (small explosion) that's right. No waluigi, no geno its like a fanboys wet dream. (laser powers up) they fucked my Franchise so im gonna fuck the earth, with my SUPER OC LAZER!!!! (fires lazer) accept i'm not going to piss on the earth, i'm going even higher! IM PISSING ON THE FUCKING SWITCH! (piss explosion) HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT MIYAMOTO? I PISSED ON THE FUCKING SWITCH YOU IDIOT! You have 23 hours before the furry OCs drop to the fucking earth, now get out of my sight before i make you into an oc too!


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