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in reply to pinkiespy - goat spy

I think even if you prune the list of offenses against Trump to drop the weakest, least relevant charges you still have like 8 utter damnable offences in there at this point. There's just so much to hate that people get distracted with comparatively little things.

Bob das uber Sexy Fish
Bob das uber Sexy Fish

in reply to pinkiespy - goat spy

For demonizing legal refugees, there is an issue, because many of the people seeking refugee status to go to the US, either don't usual qualify and or are usual from countries that have other neighboring countries closer that they could instead go to, but don't because the US is nicer, beggars can't be choosers. This doesn't mean they should try to get into the US, but if they do it illegally, unless if doing it the legal way would for some reason mean they would die, they have no justifiable reason to sneak in, and doing so is an insult to all those who waited to get in.

And if you mean he talked bad about Mexicans, well from the clips I saw that where spread around, it was statements about specifically dangerous criminals sneaking into the US, and it is a real problem, does focusing on that problem mean he demonizing non dangerous ones? Does saying Black Live Matter mean you think Asian lives don't , same answer.

Also he walked back on the Wall being a wall itself and has gone with just upping border security in ways experts have suggested to him, so you could cross that one off as well. I can still keep going, but I hope you get the idea.


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