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Caulifla's Tingly Back
Caulifla's Tingly Back

Isn't there a movie called Alta: Battle Angel that's getting good reviews that contains a female action hero as the lead? Not to mention all the action girl leads in anime that most of these people aren't complaining about. I like a lot of female characters myself (I mean, my profile pick is a female action girl that a lot of those so called: "manbabies" hate), and I can tell you Ray has real problems and issues with her character that make it hard for people to enjoy.

I think Ripley and Sarah might turn a few heads, and get the conservitards fuming about "muh es jay debyew properganda." Outside of that though, I feel like people might find the characters refreshingly complex compared to all the tired Joan of Arc wannabees we've been seeing in the media so far.


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