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Tivictus (Zinnia is my Waifu)
Tivictus (Zinnia is my Waifu)

The reason why there are always two versions with minor differences isn't because you're intended to buy both versions, but that you and a friend and/or sibling are each intended to buy a different version of the game and play it together. Hell, I guarantee you this is how some younger siblings managed to get the game in the first place, as it's much harder to convince a parent to buy the same game for another child, when they could just 'share' the game they've got. And Pokemon is not a game meant for sharing.

That being said, since we might finally be getting the ability to have multiple saves on Switch, there actually is very little reason to continue it at this rate, beyond shills who'll buy both versions because they have no friends and don't realize that hey can just use the GTS to get the version exclusives they don't have.


in reply to Tivictus (Zinnia is my Waifu)

"The reason why there are always two versions with minor differences isn't because you're intended to buy both versions, "

Tell that to the Shield and Sword double pack. A big part of them doing this was always to make more money. Why do you think that they never multiple save files?

"And Pokemon is not a game meant for sharing"

But it totally could be if you had multiple save files; I see no reason that any of the games past Gen 1, maybe Gen 2 shouldn't have had that as a basic feature beyond them being greedy.


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