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to be fair, marx did raise some good points on his works, and he actually did some good research regarding the working class of his time and place, but just like many philosophers, he thought his ideas were the absolute right when they were obviously not. and the man said himself and its part why the whole comunist thing doenst and wont work, there cant be a comunist country on a captalist world, so unless the whole world were to get on an agreement to everyone follow the same idea, things will just fail. not only that, but there was never truly a comunist governmt. the rulers of the URSS and its 2 remnants that are cuba and north korea are no diferent from the said opressors they were fighting way back in the russian revolution in the early 1900s, they just swaped the people in charge.

comunism/socialism is just an uthopic concept that cant work as society and mankind are as right now and probably wont work at anytime, maybe not even after hundreds of years, and trying to force it its even worse as we saw previously. but our captalism also sucks compared to the actual concept when you think about it, and considering whats happening recently, we should watch out to not let corporations take over the world more than they already are.


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