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Kekkles the Kek
Kekkles the Kek

They're literally running the most popular media franchise in the entire world, they have no excuse for putting out something as low-quality as what we ended up getting.

If "crunch" truly was an issue, they should have just hired more employees, using those billions of dollars they're sitting on.


in reply to Kenaron

Oh yes. Low quality. Ever since B/W 2, due to the illness Iwata had, GameFreak had no idea how to program in the 3ds/Switch.

The way they program is copy and paste, making the game 8 to 10 times bigger than they should be than regular games, the same space they could've used to innovate and add more if their programmers aren't kept in the dark on how to optimize for newer systems.

So yes, it is lazy. Because they didn't dare try to learn how to program better, relying on their arrogance to prove that they can still program, but they can't to save their asses.

I'm not kidding when I say they could've added all pokemons, as well as 2000 more with the space they had, or more space for buildings and systems to improve more quality of life or more space for dlc stories, if they weren't so fucking incompetent with programming and lazy as well.

They have good concept artist and design crew, but all of that potential is fucked with a shitty programming team.


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