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Left a note to hide the package behind the shovel (it's a keyboard). This was the delivery picture s...
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Dec 01, 2019 at 02:19PM EST
/r/mildlyinfuriating reddit aggravating annoying yellow door wall
Origin Entry: Mildly Infuriating
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Resolution: (1080px x 1920px)
File size: 179 KB
Thanks asshole, i always like squeezing trough horribly parked cars | /r/MildlyInfuriating
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This was a comment talking about a 15 year old’s long battle with blood cancer and eventual death. | /r/MildlyInfuriating
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Mildly Infuriating - Left a note to hide the package behind the shovel (it's a keyboard). This was the delivery picture s...
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