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New Guy - While I ain't a fan of harassing the artist the irony of this can not be ignored

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So for those who have seen the link to the whole comic, here's a funny story because I could never find anything close to a relevant place to share it until now.

I was playing Dungeons and Dragons online and my friend, who was roleplaying as a Barbarian says he "chargers towards the enemy while Autistic Screaming". Everyone on the group chat laughed but the DM, turned out she was a special ed teacher and found the joke a bit offensive.

My friend who made the joke was Autistic and he found it funny. I was Autistic and found it funny. In fact, the only one in the group who wasn't anywhere on the spectrum was the DM herself.

Of course, I condemn insults towards someone for being Autistic, but when the joke is at the disorder itself it's way too vague for it to be anything more than an adjective. I say this because that was 85% of the 'Autistic' jokes I see on 4chan and Reddit back when it was popular to use the word, and is likely all the comic is referring to (though correct me if I'm wrong, have no idea what a 'Pee Wee Gutter' is).


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