I can relate | /r/Doomers
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Feb 06, 2020 at 01:30PM EST
reddit /r/doomer doomers doom text
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The year is 2010. You're still in school and you have the rest of your bright life ahead of you. Your family loves you. Your friends cherish you. Life is a blessing. How would you react seeing yourself a decade into the future, a sad broken man with nothi
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the letters stray in all directions and are mingled together in great disorder, or, more correctly speaking, in absolute confusion. They are so badly formed that for the most part it is impossible not merely to say what they are, but even to distinguish t
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I bought FO4 today and i recommend it as an absolute good Doomer game. Stay strong my dooms | /r/Doomers
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Made a chart of some “essential” doomer music albums. I know this is missing some, feel free to add suggestions. | /r/Doomers
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