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Birds of Prey - Maybe gateskeeping isn't the best way to get people to support your cause after all.

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Please don't fool yourself, that is no the reason this movie bombed, because the same thing happened with Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman, and they where success. Whenever we have a super hero movie with a leading lady you have these guys coming out of the wood work, there are two extremes, the misogynist who try to hide it with a he-man club mentality, and the hardcore SJWs which may or may not exist. Both groups are kind of insignificant in the grand scheme of things however. Captain Marvel was a success, and so is Wonder Woman, then what happened to Harley?. 3 strikes: Strike one the movie is basically a sequel to Suicide Squad a movie which has not a good reputation. Strike 2: the movie is called Birds of Prey, no casual movie audience even know what those are. Strike 3: the marketing of the movie was not great at showcasing the movie's strengths: the villains on these are amazing, but you wouldn't know this by the trailers .


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