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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

A bit of context for some people: Vinny ended up viewing Cherry as a sort of rival in his New Leaf streams because she ended up putting her house way too close to his. When looking at the New Horizons Direct he said it was rather interesting they used Cherry to show off a feature where you get to decide where the other villagers live (most likely just a really funny coincidence but a small part of me likes to think the person in charge of getting the footage is a fan of Binyot), and when looking at the new environment manipulation gameplay he said if Cherry ends up on his island he's going to dig around her house to isolate her and keep her away from him and Scoot. He also said his headcanon for Flick is he's Cherry's boyfriend because he's punk.

In my case I am hoping Cherry will be on my island because I like the goth doggo.


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