Suppressing information is rarely ever a path to progress. Bad information and harmful ideas can only be destroyed or neutered by objectivity if fully dragged out into the light. By entirely censoring a publication deemed dangerous to the standing system, you can never make it go away, but you will create a political Necronomicon.
It's not that he's a jovial free man, it's that for some reason people kept spreading this rumor that the movie romanticizes Civil War era America and makes slavery "seem not so bad." Again that's the misconception that's been spread, mostly because it's a case of "since no one in America has an easy way to seeing the movie the urban legends end up overwriting what the movie is really about."
If anything though wasn't Song of the South more the kind of movie that would have angered conservatives of its time simply for having a black actor who wasn't portrayed as a slave or savage?
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Nox Lucis
Mar 15, 2020 at 04:10PM EDT in reply to
Mistress Fortune
Mar 15, 2020 at 02:30PM EDT