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in reply to Outcast Redeemer

No, the anon is wrong.

China is not burning the infected. That'd be completely unreasonable and also useless, given that the corpses do not spread this outbreak.

If they were killing the infected, which they are not, they would just shoot them. Incineration is costly and also unnecessary in the case where the body does not need to be outright destroyed to prevent transmission of infection.

Furthermore, the original 'china is burning people' rhetoric was based on a false graph reporting increased SO3 levels over China that could, according to the anon, only possibly come from the cremation of humans by the tens of thousands.

Not only is the 'graph' they provided not a graph of SO3 emissions, they conjured up the numbers entirely out of their ass basically to feed the conspiracy. There is literally no evidence nor indication that China is burning people.

Just because they're a corrupt, authoritarian regieme doesn't mean that outrageous claims must be true. In this case, it's demonstrably false.


Yeah, Dont get me wrong, china is at fault for this.

But lets be real, all the world leaders really shat themselves for a couple months and caused this issue. China tried to hide a fucking disease. A disease! what a retarded thing to try to ignore. Iran continues to fuck itself up the ass, and damn near every country fucked this up as badly as possible up until, what, the second week of March when that NBA player and Tom Hanks got it and everyone realized that wait……..diseases dont ignore rich important people?!?

like, the one good thing i can take away from this is we allllllll have to suffer its effects. when war or famine or even some diseases hit they tend to miss the super rich and the super famous, so they can preach from their high towers and never be in any serious danger. but Corona………..Corona fucks everyone pretty equally. Politicians are getting it, Celebrities are getting it, the rich are getting it, and if anything they are getting it first BECAUSE they traveled so much.


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