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If someone robs you in an alleyway and gives the money to someone else, it's still theft.

If someone loots your house and sells your belongings in a market, it's still theft.

Peeps like to act like these peeps are doing a Robin Hood by giving to the community, but this is at the cost of several people's jobs when this store files for bankruptcy.


oh cool, so after starting a literal warzone in a fucking target and setting fires and shit everywhere while preparing to fight to steal stuff, it turns out it was just to be used as supplies for the protest

I mean, sure, they should had paid and not start even more outrage and violence and destruction but heyyyy its okay cause we fed the poor,

haha see guys? were like Robin Hood, except instead of stealing from the rich to give back to the poor is stealing from the nearest store you can find and giving it to people in a movement who haven't anything stoled, if anything they might have from the whole movement, but the ends justify the means guys!!


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