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Feminism - A list of demands of gaming changes for feminists, journalists, POC, and JLGBT+

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The Friends of Journalism/Journalism Excellence Worldwide thing is a spectacular troll.

Why? Because it's barely more ridiculous than the reality it's mocking. "Tom Nook is a racist character because he's a raccoon, and 'coon' is an old slur for black people" is a take I wouldn't be particularly surprised to see from a non-satirical source, for example.


Some of these I'd be curious what the response from publishers would be if this were actually demanded of them. Stuff like no guns, free/discounted prices, and tighter age restriction would cut into profits pretty fiercely. And as we know, the major publishers of the industry are ready to break any law and sense of morality to increase profits as much as possible. I'd love to see what kind of word-salad they'd use to tell these people to "fuck off."

Some of these work too because it's what real people actually demand, like mandatory diversity. Things like context and realism don't matter to these people. Like when people demanded the Witcher games and Kingdom Come put in black people despite not working with the setting. And there was a manufactured "controversy" over it. Or the desperate attempts to silence people in video game chats because a slight insult hurts their little feelings.

The free DLC and discount one does go a bit too far into farcical to make this obviously a joke though. But honestly, just the idea makes me laugh. How would they even regulate this? Would all black/gay people be given a special ID? What about those that just say they're gay/trans to get the freebies? I know, we can run special tests to authenticate the ethnicity and orientation of everyone, then give them special badges to be sewn into their clothing to make these people easier to "identify."


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