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I dont think either design is very good. Top one is typical 80s and 90s Comic Book give her big tits and an ass because thats all she will ever be, bottom one is all the worst parts of modern design aka forgettable, generic and boring. Its the top one but without the tits and ass to distract you from the boring.


in reply to tman105

Much as I can imagine people that had experience in fighting the original saying there is more to the character, one can say that most people haven't played the original game to know anything about the original character. Even for whatever top had going for her, her design is one of the things that'll come to mind.

Bottom one, aside from looking generic and forgettable, also looks like she could be a knock-off of an existing cartoon character. Bottom design for the Dark Queen kinda makes me think she looks like she would be a knock-off villain from Kim Possible rather than actually being the Dark Queen.


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