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The most hilarious part of all this is that Jules Verne's life, personality and work could not be more different than Poe's:

- Verne was an acclaimed author in his lifetime, his work even finding success abroad, and lived a long rather prosperous life, while Poe's only became truly famous a long time after his death and died poor at the age of 40.
- Verne was by all account a rather charming fellow who lived a peaceful married life, had a son and had many friends (some of them quite famous. To give you an idea, when he died, 5000 peoples attended his funerals, including a delegate from Wilhelm II, the german Kaiser). As for Poe, while he was courteous and incredibly smart, he also was very easy to anger and could be quite the drunkard (though it has been exagerated after his death). As for his love-life, his first wife (his cousin) died tragically young (24), he almost got re-married but his wife left him due to his alcohol problem and he died childless.
- Finally, their work: while they can both be qualified as 'romantic', Verne is considered to be the precursor of the science-fiction and adventure genre, while Poe was a master of the fantastic and mystery genre.

It's really quite funny to see Verne being so in admiration toward a man who had so little in common with him, like a prep being best friend with a goth.


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