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I always wanted to see her in her dragon form in the show. But they claimed their family's dragon powers "skipped a generation". That is so lame. Why did they do that? Were they afraid people would draw a lot of porn of dragon Susan?


in reply to TheStupidRaptor

Probably a combination of keeping her out of the fights, and to make it more understandable why Jake gets the title as the first "American" dragon.

Though I do find the "Skipped a generation" point funny, as it's one to one what happens in Juniper Lee too. As her family superpowers skipped her Dad and went to her instead. Adding more to the strange parallel that the two shows had.

I guess if you're looking for something though, I've seen some fanart of her in a dragon form. Pink and kind of basic, but it's there. Plus, I think like 90% of it's porn, so… There's that.


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