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RWBY - This fight kind of annoyed me

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in reply to statue345

you'd think like, they would make the monsters more powerful by now, given that we're 100 episodes in! but nope! lets just conveniently have them forget certain fight moves, instincts, dust abilities, eta. eta. to show just how "spooky" or "shocking" this new grimm is, all for the sake of making the audience go on twitter and say "OMG DAT HOUND SHOUTED "NO" IM SHAKING RN"

jees, i think we were spoiled back then. when our heroes were stronger than meatheads and underwater warlords, they basically turned the final boss into a species and made THEM the next line of Villains to fight.

These are ALL Makutas, and are just as powerful as the original.


in reply to burning

Ruby got knocked out in one shot twice , Blake got thrown around like yesterdays garbage, then Ruby woke up conveniently right before Blake got guillotined and killed the grim in one singular slice.

Also this grim conveniently came out of the ground right after the wolf left the scene too keep those two occupied, like it would have been fine if this thing came up at the same time has the wolf but NO it had to be a plot contrivance like always.


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