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Super Straight - 4chan's Goal to Use Super Straight (SS) as an Astroturf Tool to Gateway Users Into Far Right Ideolog...

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This means less than you might think it does.

4chan is generally reistsant to being pushed into proaction. "Not your personal army" and all that. These "here's what to do" posts are a dime a dozen and most die in the crib because they're half thought out codswallop that fails to inspire anything outside mockery.

When something manages to escape pol it's because it resonated with people and became self sustaining; 99% of the time it's not out of some genius level sociological magic but because some autists threw enough shit at the wall that something finally stuck. They hit a nerve out of luck and braindead perseverance.

If you think they have any real control over what happens after, how it's interpreted, how it mutates, let alone are able to turn it into some nazi recruitment drive, well, you have way more confidence in the competence of /pol/ nazis than I do.


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