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Soup King
Soup King

in reply to Quiet_boi

"The Mon-Keigh thinks that's the worst the Drukharii can possibly do."

So just to give you a slight inkling of just how goddamn awful the Dark Eldar are, they are considered to be crueller and more sadistic than literal Chaos Daemons.

Although daemons are more powerful due to being made of pure psychic fuckery, they are just naturally malicious and it's only really the daemon princes and the more powerful greater daemons that plan out the havoc they create.

A Dark Eldar is constantly having it's soul drained by She Who Thirsts (Slaanesh) and the only way they can survive this is by topping up their souls with the souls of other creatures.

Now, they can do this by using any strong emotion, but fear, pain and suffering are the easiest ones to create.

Because they get diminishing returns each time they do this, they have to keep going further and further in their deprivations just to stay alive.

Now consider that the vast majority have been alive for centuries, if not millennia, and you can just begin to imagine the horrors that they inflict on an hourly basis.


in reply to Quiet_boi

They can be very imaginative. This include physical torture, and salt on your wounds is the tamest thing they will do about this. Some will unwrap everything inside your body inside out (organs, nerves, bones) and use it to make a chandelier for a while or fuck around with it. Of course they will make sure you're still alive.

If they have means to, psychological torture is pretty common too. Psykers can wreck you on so many levels, but copious amounts of drugs or having you live with the slightest hope of getting away crushed repeatedly also provide great results.

Then they switch to body modifications, removing and adding limbs, skin, teeth, organs etc at a whim depending on what makes you scream the most. Everything they can think of, you'll endure it, they have literal professionals with milenias of experience yet always ready to experiment for new stuff. This will last for around 20 years, until they have sucked you dry and you are just a mindless husk, only capable of feeling pain and fear. Then they will often transmute your flesh into some piece of furniture, keeping you alive for god knows how long.

Don't stick your dick in the crazy, if you want to end your life stupidly, go play arm wrestling with an orc or something. At least it will be quick.


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