- This Day Five Years Ago, 'Dramatic Crossroads' Got Turned Into A Meme
- Nine Years Ago, Daniel Hit Us With The White Vans
- The 'Lord Marquaad E' Meme Was Created On Tumblr Seven Years Ago This Very Day
- It's The Eight Year Anniversary of 'Monkey Haircut'
- It's The Three Year Anniversary Of This Hilarious Instagram Comment From Donatella Versace
Ugh you see Jon... | /r/FreeFolk
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Apr 25, 2021 at 06:23AM EDT
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Happy Birthday Rory McCann and Aiden Gillen who did an excellent job playing their characters despite D&D | /r/FreeFolk
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Dragon glass scandal, Sam could have told Jon that Stannis let him know about the mountain of DG so much earlier | /r/FreeFolk
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Never understood why Tyrion went into the Dragon den alone in season 6. You can have a character be curious without them being stupid. He even admits afterwards how reckless the idea was. | /r/FreeFolk
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