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573 Views Created 3 years ago By Vinluv Handesbukia • Updated 10 months ago

Created By Vinluv Handesbukia • Updated 10 months ago

: Anonymous 04/30/21(Fri)09:30:39 No.150261174 >He was just an average kid, looking for some adventure >But when adventure finds him ... >"cuts to The Kid (played by Finn Wolfhard) getting woken up on his horse* Wait, what's going on? >*Glanton (played by Adam Sandler) is shaking him "Wake up, lazy bones! We're gonna sack this village!"* >"cuts to wide shot of the Gang approaching the village (which is notably white, so as not to anger the Native American market) as dramatic BWOMMMMS play* >*Suddenly, the dramatic tension cuts as one of the villagers shoots an arrow at Glanton's crotch, causing him to cringe* >*The Judge (played by The Rock in white-face, for some easily marketable controversy) winces and goes "Ooooh, right in the Toadvine!"* >"Cormac McCarthy himself shows up to say "'Nuff said!"* >... he's gonna need some friends along the way. >THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN >This summer... >*The kid yells "This desert is our home! We can't let the army take what's ours! Who's with me gang?" as everyone cheers* >... the west... >*shows The Kid and Toadvine (who is now played by Leslie Jones) beatboxing on their horses* >... is gonna get.. >*shows the dancing bear beating up army goons as The Judge rides on his back with a rife* >... wild! >*music stops with a record scratch as The Judge twerks* >*Glanton's jaw drops as The Kid goes "Awkwaaaaard"* >BLOOD MERIDIAN, RATED PG-13 (accompanied by a cgi title screen and a guitar riff) >*The scene cuts to black* >"Suddenly, the scene cuts back to The Judge sitting in a saloon, when he hears a voice say "Hey Holden, I'm not through with you!"* >*Camera turns around, showing an aged Javier Bardem reprising his role as Anton to set up the McCarthy Cinematic Universe* >COMING JANUARY 2022 2>15028 1220 >150261378# 60262200 #
Origin Entry:





>He was just an average kid, looking for some adventure
>But when adventure finds him . . .
>*cuts to The Kid (played by Finn Wolfhard) getting woken up on his horse* Wait, what's going on?
>*Glanton (played by Adam Sandler) is shaking him "Wake up, lazy bones! We're gonna sack this village!"*
>*cuts to wide shot of the Gang approaching the village (which is notably white, so as not to anger the Native American market) as dramatic BWOMMMMS play*
>*Suddenly, the dramatic tension cuts as one of the villagers shoots an arrow at Glanton's crotch, causing him to cringe*
>*The Judge (played by The Rock in white-face, for some easily marketable controversy) winces and goes "Ooooh, right in the Toadvine!"*
>*Cormac McCarthy himself shows up to say "'Nuff said!"*
>. . . he's gonna need some friends along the way.
>This summer . . .
>*The kid yells "This desert is our home! We can't let the army take what's ours! Who's with me gang?" as everyone cheers*
>. . . the west . . .
>*shows The Kid and Toadvine (who is now played by Leslie Jones) beatboxing on their horses*
>. . . is gonna get . . .
>*shows the dancing bear beating up army goons as The Judge rides on his back with a rife*
>. . . wild!
>*music stops with a record scratch as The Judge twerks*
>*Glanton's jaw drops as The Kid goes "Awkwaaaaard"*
>BLOOD MERIDIAN, RATED PG-13 (accompanied by a cgi title screen and a guitar riff)
>*The scene cuts to black*
>*Suddenly, the scene cuts back to The Judge sitting in a saloon, when he hears a voice say "Hey Holden, I'm not through with you!"*
>*Camera turns around, showing an aged Javier Bardem reprising his role as Anton to set up the McCarthy Cinematic Universe*

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