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Berserk - Kentaro Miura, author of Berserk dead at 54

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I am a little conflicted on how to feel about this.

On one side he created a masterwork of a manga that many will talk about for many years. One of the best ever made. It is also one of my all time favorite works and i often point to it when people ask about "high art" in manga both in terms of writing and the art itself.

On the other hand he had almost a borderline disdain for Berserk and its fans in the later part of its life. In several cases the recent chapters it isn't even he that drew the them. There is the infamous saying that some fans died before Guts got off the boat since the manga had been running for almost 30 years and depending on when you got into it some fans were in their 80's or 70's when guts got off the boat.

So on one side i am sad that such a great artist has passed away. But on the other side i am wondering if he left a manuscript of how Berserk ended and his apprentices will finally finish it.


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