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Berserk is a manga and anime series created by Kentaro Miura and published by the Japanese magazine Young Animal. The story is set in a medieval Europe-inspired land, following the adventures of the protagonist Guts, an orphaned mercenary who wields a giant broadsword known as the "Dragonslayer." After creator Kentaro Miura's death in May 2021, the project was halted and left incomplete. In June 2022, the continuation of the manga was announced on Twitter, set to be completed and serialized by Miura's close friend Kouji Mori.
In the Berserk series, the mercenary Guts hunts enemies with demonic powers granted by an artifact known as the "Behelit," which allows humans to make deals with archdemons belonging to a group known as "The God Hand." After serving as Raid Leader of the mercenary unit "Band of the Hawk," Guts and his companion Casca travel in search of their ex-leader Griffith.
In 1988, the first Berserk manga titled Berserk: The Prototype was released while Kentaro Miura was a university student. On November 26th, 1990, the first volume of the official series was released by the manga company Hakusensha, followed by two more volumes in the next two years. In 1992, Berserk began serialization in the seinen manga magazine Young Animal.[2]

In 1997, the manga was adapted into a 25 episode anime series by the animation studio OML Inc,[3] running from October 7th to March 31st, 1998. In 2012, Studio 4ºC[4] released a series of films known as the "Golden Age Saga" as an adaptation of the manga series.
Kentaro Miura's Death
On May 20, 2021, the official Berserk Twitter account announced that Kentaro Miura had passed away on May 6, 2021 from acute aortic dissection[28].

[Report of the death of Professor Kentaro Miura]
Dr. Kentaro Miura, the author of "Berserk", passed away on May 6, 2021, due to acute aortic dissection. We would like to express our utmost respect and gratitude to Dr. Miura's painting work and pray for his soul.
May 20, 2021 Hakusensha Co., Ltd. Young Animal Editorial Department
2016 Anime Adaptation
On December 21st, 2015, Young Animal announced a new television adaptation for the series, premiering in summer of 2016.[25] During the following months, several previews showed that the new series would include CGI scenes and would adapt the Conviction Saga.

Premiering on July 1st, 2016, the series was poorly received by fans due to the CGI models, poor animation and disjointed pacing,[26][27] inspiring several parodies mocking the new series on several communities. On July 2nd, anime reviewer Demolition D uploaded a video mocking the anime series, gaining over 10,000 views in less than a day.
2022 Resume of Serialization
On June 7th, 2022, the official account of the Berserk project posted a thread including multiple translations of the same announcement that relayed Kouji Mori, a close friend of deceased Berserk creator Kentaro Miura, would be continuing the series in order to finish the story arc Miura was not able to finish. The tweet[29] that included the English translation received roughly 72,000 likes in less than a day (shown below).

As the news spread across social media, it generated mass engagement and hype on platforms like Instagram,[30] Reddit,[31] and Facebook.[32] Within the announcement, it was revealed that Mori was the only person who Miura outlined the imagined ending to. Mori acknowledged that Miura was the only one who could fully complete Berserk, however, given the circumstances of his knowledge, he felt that the fans deserved his best efforts. The resume of serialization was set to be released on June 24th, 2022, within Young Animal No. 13.
Reactions to the update were predominantly positive, with most fans supporting Mori's continuation. For instance, on June 7th, Redditor ThinTwice[33] posted a comment in the /r/Berserk subreddit stating, "Tears in my eyes man this is incredible," earning roughly 1,900 upvotes in one day. Twitter[34] user sparrowsrequiem also posted a Fernanfloo Dresses Up / My Wife's Funeral meme about the continuation on June 7th, earning roughly 4,600 likes in less than a day (shown below).

Online Presence
Berserk has gained a significant online following on sites like like Tumblr,[6] 4chan’s /a/ (anime and manga) board,[10] DeviantART[7] and My Anime List.[5] On October 20th, 2000, the Berserk fansite SkullKnight.net[12] was launched. In March 2007, Guts won the SaiGar tournament as the most masculine "gar" character in anime and manga. On April 25th, 2008, YouTuber MMAOmegaRED uploaded a clip from a Berserk episode in which Guts kills 100 soldiers (shown below, left).
On May 30th, the Berserk Wiki[8] was created, accumulating upwards of 725 pages over the next seven years. On May 19th, 2010, the /r/Berserk[14] subreddit was launched for discussions about the anime and manga series. On October 27th, 2011, a page for Berserk was created on TV Tropes.[13]
Berserk Outtakes
Berserk Outtakes are humorous dubbed videos of the 1997 anime adaptation narrating the condensed version, in a similar style as the Abridged Series of videos. On February 28th, 2007, YouTuber lance43 uploaded a video titled "Berserk Outtakes – Griffiths Greatest Singing Moments," containing several dubbed clips of the character Griffith singing various songs (shown below, left). On September 9th, 2008, YouTuber jessietheh uploaded an edited clip from Berserk, featuring dubbed dialogue taken from a scene in the 1994 comedy film Clerks (shown below, right).
Due its status as a long running series, Berserk has gained a significant fandom online. As of June 2nd, 2016, the Japanese artist community Pixiv leads to over 4,100 results under the keyword "ベルセルク",[21] and the English artist community deviantART leads to over 69,000 results under the keyword "berserk", most of them leading to content related to the series.[22] The series also has a following on communities like 4chan[24] and Tumblr.[23]

Related Memes
Miura's Breaks / The Boat
Berserk author Kentaro Miura is known for publishing the series on a irregular schedule, with the longest wait time between chapters 334 and 335 reaching 67 weeks.[1] Fans of the series began joking that Miura was spending his time playing videogames like THE iDOLM@STER, rather than working on the manga series (shown below, left). In chapter 286 of the manga, Guts and his party board a ship with a noble man named Roderick. Due to the erratic publishing schedule and development of the character Griffith's side story, Guts and his party remained on the boat for seven years (until the chapter 342), becoming an in-joke among fans (shown below, right).

Off the Boat
On November 24th, 2015, chapter 342 was released in which Guts and his party finally left the boat they had been sailing on since 2008.[15]

That day, many posts about the new chapter were posted on various forums and image boards, including the /r/TwoBestFriends[17] subreddit, GameFAQS,[18] NeoGAF[19] and 4chan's /a/ (anime board).[20]
That Thing Was Too Big to Be Called a Sword / Dragonslayer
"That Thing Was Too Big to Be Called a Sword" is an expression associated with Guts' enormous broadsword "Dragonslayer," which has inspired image macros using variations of the catchphrase as a phrasal template (shown below, left). The sword has also been featured in crossover art and is often included in Guts cosplays.

Bagserk is a series of manga panels with edited dialogue containing references to "bags," typically portraying the bags as something extremely valuable or poke fun at Guts for wearing a purse.[11]

Griffith Did Nothing Wrong
"Griffith Did Nothing Wrong" is an expression often used to excuse the actions of the character Griffith for sacrificing his friends to The God Hand.

Rape Horse
Rape Horse is a nickname given to a demon-possessed horse who tries to have intercourse with the character Farnese de Vandimion. It's often used in reference to the many rape scenes in the manga series.

Put Your Grasses On
"Put Your Grasses On" is a mispronunciation of "put your glasses on", a lyric from the 1999 anime opening. The quote has been often parodied and used by the fans of the series as a call of optimism to happenings related to the manga.

The Blacked Swordman
The Blacked Swordman is a nickname given to Guts in reference to his forced relationships with the black mercenary Donovan back when he was a kid. The catchphrase is often associated with pictures of Donovan and the nickname "wise magical negro", in reference to an /a/ post (shown below).

Bunny Face / CGI Bunny
Bunny Face is the name given to a shot from the first episode of the 2016 anime series featuring a bunny being hunt by Guts. The scene was consequently parodied.

[CLANG] is a descriptive noise associated with the sound the Dragonslayers makes in the 2016 anime series, resembling more a blunt weapon rather than a sword. The sound was consequently mocked and parodied online.
![rabbit sfx [SFX: CLANG]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/143/893/322.jpg)
Search Interest
External References
[1] SkullKnight (via Wayback Machine) – Time between chapter releases
[3] OLM – English Index
[6] Tumblr – Search for berserk
[7] DeviantArt – Search for berserk
[10] DesuArchive – Search for Berserk
[11] Fanservice FTW (via Wayback Machine) – The bag
[14] Reddit – /r/berserk
[15] MangauMaru – Chapter 342
[17] Reddit – Guts is off the boat motherfuckers
[18] GameFAQS – They finally got off the boat in Berserk today
[21] Pixiv – Search for ベルセルク
[22] deviantART – Search for berserk
[23] Tumblr – Search for berserk
[24] Cuckchan – Search for berserk on /a/
[25] AnimeNewsNetwork – Berserk Gets New Anime Project Featuring Guts as 'Black Swordsman'
[26] /r/anime – Berserk – Episode 1 discussion
[27] /r/Berserk – Berserk (2016) – episode 1: Dragon slayer – Megathread – reactions & Discussion
[28] Twitter – 【三浦建太郎先生 ご逝去の報】
[29] Twitter – @berserk_project
[30] Instagram – @igndotcom
[31] Reddit – /r/Berserk
[32] Facebook – Daily Dose of Anime
[33] Reddit – ThinTwice's comment
[34] Twitter – @sparrowsrequiem
Top Comments
Feb 18, 2015 at 06:29PM EST
Nov 24, 2015 at 05:44PM EST