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Disney - 80 years ago, Disney animators went on strike

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pinkiespy - goat spy
pinkiespy - goat spy

The Disney strike is actually pretty interesting. It's start was that Walt started going fucking insane. If you weren't familiar with the original concept for Epcot, he became oddly controlling in a paternalistic kind of way and couldn't imagine why his unruly 'children' didn't like his creepery and giant new building/clubhouse and instead wanted MONEY like COMMUNISTS.

He blamed communist infiltration for his own mistakes so hard he fell into the hardcore anti-union crowd which were sort of… insane far right people. His personal red scare lead to the rumor of his antisemitism. And while yes, he was a little racist, it was in the "everyone was, is" variety (He genuinely was told Briar Rabbit stories as a child so saw NOTHING wrong with Song of the South).


in reply to pinkiespy - goat spy

Some minor corrections

Epcot wasn't thought about until after Disneyland & was due to him wanting desperately to be remembered as more then the man who made childrens cartoons

The strike was due to animators (as well as many other industries) wanting to unionize. Despite Walt providing some of the better pay & perks of the animation industry, the workers felt like he wasn't either giving enough money or that they were being worked too hard. There was also animosity towards Walt for playing favorites with certain employees (Such as the nine old men)

After the strike, Walt felt like he lost control of his studio, and had in many ways. Afterwards, he no longer cared for the animation industry & decided to focus on other things he enjoyed, namely trains & Micky Mouse park, soon to be upgraded to Disneyland.

Defunct land has a lot on the history of the leadup to Disneyland. I don't believe he had any video specifically on the strike, but here's one that follows the leadup to it.

If you wan't a much more indepth history, the audiobook Disney's Land goes into the strike & the building of Disneyland. The Disneyland Story also goes into the strike, but much more briefly as it's mainly to cover Disneyland up until the 2000s


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