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Disney - Disney and its exclusivities

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At this point I've let go of my Nostalgia for Disney and just want them to make one major fuck-up that costs them absolutely everything.

I want to see Disney end and lose everything they've bought, all their copyrights down and invalid. It's a despicable mindset, but I really feel they've overstepped their boundaries way too many times and should have suffered their consequences.

Ryan Matthew
Ryan Matthew

in reply to Baithooks

The problem is, Disney doesn't really have any competition in most sources of entertainment. This is why I truly believe rivalry is good, because it keeps every company on their toes and trying to survive without doing anything to risk bankruptcy.

But Disney is so up there now, they can afford to grab everything, make cash grabs (live action movies for one), and not really care if it flops, it will make so much because it's made by Disney.

The only way they can truly start hurting is if companies either step it up or people stop selling their franchises to the juggernaut.


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