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I often wonder what the answer to a child who seeks the magical, mystical, post material view of the world would have when they realize that something so dear and near was fake. Near where I live is a street that has, for many decades now, went all out on Christmas decorations. Every year I take the effort to go drive through it. I'm not a religious man, and hell I am not even Christian. But when I drive through that street, and I see hundreds of families park nearby and walk around admiring the light show. When I go to my former step-dad's place and play Uno like I did when I was a kid. Something magical occurs around this time of the year. The religious have long said that Christmas has become commercialized – non religious. How dare they? People gather from miles on end to see others display a beautiful light decoration. Families gather around to give each other gifts. What was a pagan holiday evolved into an overt Christian one, now evolved into our modern day secular commercialized holiday. Yet underneath it there is something deeply special, something profound. So is Santa real? Santa is the embodiment, the visual manifestation of this holiday, for good or bad. A fat, Coke-a-Cola colored old man that is the centerpiece of a holiday millions if not billions of people strangely participate in, suspend the cold hard reality for, to sit down and play Uno. When a child asks if Santa real? The answer should be yes.


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