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in reply to Quiet_boi

That certainly doesn't sound like a recipe for disaster.

At the very best, it'll be used as some sort of terrible planned obsolescence scheme where your PC literally gets Alzheimer's and shrivels up into a worthless blob of dead brain matter, all because you didn't buy the latest model from the manufacturer.

I think we should at least put down some rules and regulations for what manufacturers and distributors can and can't do with certain technologies before we try to build shit like this.

Also, there's a faction I have in the universe Kitty's from that's literally just your run-of-the-mill rogue AI, but it and all of the machines it uses run on cannibalized Human brains that they either grew in a vat or straight up kidnapped and murdered someone for. It's also the successor state to Communist China because IMO if anyone's going to commit the apocalyptic mistake of creating an unrestrained AI and give it the authority and power required to fuck up a third of Humanity for the foreseeable future, it's either going to be the Chinese government or something directly associating with them, or a massive tech giant that thinks they know what's best for everyone despite being unable to release a functioning product and routinely making terrible decisions despite every decision they make being met with obvious dissatisfaction by almost the entire userbase.


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