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LGBTQ+ - The ARGENTINX flag!...... but seriously, don't say that word to an Argie, ever

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in reply to Tigrerojo

You seem to hastily assume that the people who push for this bullshit actually care for the ones concerned by this word.

It's all performative, it's just another angle for pushing the erasure of sex differences (this has almost nothing to do with sex or gender btw, it's mostly a grammatical quirk from Latin). It was never really supposed to make sense outside of the English language in the first place.


You CAN'T say that word to an argie because X as a vocal is literally unpronounceable in spanish

THAT is that thing that pisses me off the most about this bullshit 'latinx' thing; hell, the whole "latines" deal (replacing o's and a's with e's for gender neutrality) was still stupid, but at least you could still speak it


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