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Volodymyr Zelenskyy - The photos of the Ukrainian president in military uniform "fighting on the front lines" are actually...

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Yeah, we're well past the age where the leaders of nations actually go out and lead the his troops. A 44-year-old man with no military experience isn't going to make any difference on the front lines. His place is commanding from the rear, issuing orders to his generals and communicating with other world leaders.

As an anime character once said, "A leader's job is not to fight. A leader's job is to make the tough decisions."


The idea that he should be on the frontlines is a stupid argument. Of course the leader of the country that's being invaded shouldn't be taking on the enemy head on. He needs to stay in the Capital, organize the defense strategy and build morale for his people by constantly spiting Putin by going "I'm still alive asshole! Get fucked!" The fact he had the chance to cut and run but decided to stay put shows how much he values the lives of his people by not abandoning them.


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