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Misk Wisk
Misk Wisk

Fun thing some internet sleuths found. Some of the footage used to show that rally looked familiar. As in, it was possibly taken from a concert last year.

Now, the Rally almost definitely occurred but I personally find it hilarious they had to pad it with scenes from a concert. Methinks there was a tad less cheering than our local Dictator wanted.


in reply to Misk Wisk

The same thing happened on the CBC news footage here, if you pay attention sometimes it cuts to a random concert stadium and then it cuts to Putin's "wrestling ring" arena where he gave the speech

Don't worry about it though, I watched the speech live, including the part where it suddenly cut off and there were plenty of people cheering. This is just the usual news outlets being lazy and adding random footage to make their thing appear different from other broadcasters


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