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Delta Two-Six The Lurking Fagtron.
Delta Two-Six The Lurking Fagtron.


about the gun, i was fiddling with it while freehand sketching this particular piece, plus it was a windy day so i had to use it as a paperweight to keep the pad from flying off.

anyway, this particular pony is just my first attempt to see if i can draw a pony correctly. so the mane, tail, cutie mark and other stuff it has is just for the hell of it. it seems that i got the details down, anatomy-wise.

a newer, better one may come out at a later date.

as for the negativity, i"m not too sure myself. those two comments LiuXaun made surprised the hell out of me. and i was expecting some constructive criticism, and not outright bashing. but that's behind my back. i'm definitely not gonna let a few negative comments affect me and stop me from improving.

peace out.


Good job on the picture; it's way better than anything I could ever hope to draw.

But, yeah, not sure what's going on with the negativity there.
I really hate the term 'Mary Sue.'
People use it way too often to describe any OC, even this one that has no back-story or character traits that I can see.
(By the way, what's up with the gun?)


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