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SPY x FAMILY - No hesitation...no faith in her papa, she just stated facts

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In a head-on fight Yor would probably win, but the difference in strength isn't as big as people seem to think. I believe it was in the official fanbook where Axeman gave out some info about the characters and said that if Yor was a 10 on the strength scale, Loid would be a 6 or 7. So yeah, he'd usually get beaten in pure hand-to-hand combat, but would be able to put up a fight. Remember, Loid is pretty much superhuman as well.

Jazz Wizard
Jazz Wizard

Loids a spy so if he got the jump on Yor hed likely win due to ambush and spy tactics. But head on or if he didnt take her down swiftly shed be the victor. Doesnt matter who wins though the end result would probably just be a Mr and Mrs Smith battle that tears the house to shreds but ends in both sleeping in a half shot and sliced up bed together.


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