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Shadow of the Void
Shadow of the Void

All of this controversy over ad blockers could have been avoided if ad services and website owners did their due diligence to make sure that ads were not noisy, obtrusive and, most importantly, didn't carry the potential of damaging people's computers. Instead, they just want to wage war against ad blockers, and if some of the guests on their website get hit by malware, well, that's just the cost of doing business. "They understood the risk" or whatever other pithy social Darwinism/"fuck you Jack, I got mine" remark people have when some company hurts someone else through criminal negligence.

Malware-infested ads are a big reason why many people use ad blockers. Ads may be part of life, but at least commercials on TV and radio won't ever destroy my TV or radio. That's why I started using ad blockers back in the latter half of the 00s after I had a hard drive wrecked by a virus embedded in an ad on a popular video game website. Hell, I remember a news story from a few years back when Forbes started making people disable ad blockers if they wanted to use the Forbes website, and when people actually did so, their computers got hit by malware-infested ads. What a way to reinforce people's continued support for ad blockers.


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