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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to VPhantom

And when Ubisoft attempted it they got hit with enough backlash that they stopped as quickly as they started.

It's actually weird to think that after all the shit with Battlefront 2 (2017) it feels like EA has managed to stay out of gaming controversies as much as possible. Like they haven't shut down a studio they own in quite some time, and they actually haven't been meddling in the development of some of the better games they publish like the games from Hazelight (Josef Faris' studio) or Respawn. Hell from what I can tell the problems with recent Battlefield games is more on DICE than it is EA as well, and Motive have been extremely clear that the Dead Space remake is avoiding the meddling EA did to Dead Space 3.

They also haven't been hit with any sexual harassment lawsuits either, and in a way you could say EA's "money hungry" nature maybe helps here as I can imagine a higher up going "if you do any of the shit Activision-Blizzard's people did then you will be fired on the spot, we're not wasting our money defending you."

It says something when the only major complaint I have of EA as of late is they barely promoted Criterion's new Need For Speed game that's actually pretty good.


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