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VShojo - Why is this b#tch literally untouchable?

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in reply to Geigh Science

I don't follow vshojo either, but I think there's a pretty gaping difference between "unambiguous concrete proof of someone unrepentantly doing the exact thing they are accused of, exactly as worded" vs. "mild isolated comment of ambiguous tone and intention being characterized in the least charitable possible interpretation". At least unless I missed something and there was more to it than just stating "I love all my friends everyone makes mistakes its only human", which is possible, as e-drama gets convoluted and it's easy to miss information if you're not avidly following it. I'm more amused in a morbid fashion by the sudden turn of a subject dominated by "DON'T HARASS PEOPLE FFS" pivoting to "DON'T HARASS PEOPLE UNLESS-"


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