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Theoretically she’s “a god,” however the existence of Equestria appears to pre-date her and Luna since the sun and moon were originally raised by the municipality of the Pegasus race, and there is no mention of either sister in the Hearth's Warming Eve origin story, aside from the brief appearance of them on the flag (however, we don’t know if that was a historical inaccuracy or not). Then again, it is possible that Celestia and Luna are the avatars of the sun and moon that did not take on physical form until sometime after Equestria was founded. There are other beings in Equestria equally powerful to her as well such as Discord, so I'd say it stands to reason that she's not "the god" of that world (though she does serve as Equestria's matriarch, and therefore is likely the most important of such beings in the eyes of ponies).

I really wish we’d get more backstory and mythology about the Alicorns and where the princesses came from, however I’m not sure how deep they want to go into all that since they want to keep the show accessible to kids, and kids aren’t necessarily as interested in that kind of thing as adults are.


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