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Baldur's Gate 3 - Some WEIRD double standards are happening again with comparing Western and Japanese games

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Why is "queer-friendly horniness" morally superior, anyway? That just reads like an unironic version of "yuri is the purest form of love" or something.

Wait, no, what the hell even is "queer-friendly horniness" as opposed to regular sexual imagery? Does a big tiddy anime girl not have the potential to sexually arouse a lesbian woman?


My best theory? Since alot of Japanese games have an anime aesthetic to them (even Street Fighter to a degree), they think "Animation" or "cartoons". And the Western (at least American) thought process around anything animation is "It's for kids" and because it's for kids, it of course, must be Family-Friendly. The American Paradigm around what is Family Friendly considers violence to be more Family-Friendly than anything even remotely sexual (do note, America is incredibly Puritanical on sex for a Western Nation, and I say that as an American myself). Basically, we treat animation like a genre, not a medium.

But with Western games like Baulder's Gate 3, it doesn't have an aesthetic that evokes anything remotely cartoonish. It's more "mature", so to speak. So sexual content here gets more of a pass.


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