Napoleon’s height was slightly above average for French men in the early 1800s, but British propagan...
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Fun fact: Beethoven damaged the sheet music at least twice. (Context in comments) | History Memes
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The Maginot Line did its purpose, it diverted German troops into Belgium, the main error was that the Belgians refused to allow any Allied forces on its territory until the Germans invaded (the whole French plan on defense relied on being able to build a
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President Washington was a very humble guy. The only reason he was president is mainly because of peer pressure (please correct me if I’m wrong, I love learning) | History Memes
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Moriaki Wakabayashi is perhaps the person who left the band for the strangest of reasons. | History Memes
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History Memes - Napoleon’s height was slightly above average for French men in the early 1800s, but British propagan...
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